Unless you've been living under a rock this week you've heard about the rantings of ETTA JAMES. She seems pissed off. Mad at beyonce mad a Obama mad at the world.
Why would she feel this way?
People have attitude for various reasons: they're pissed because they perceive they've been wronged; there are the talentless and they use attitude like a Southerner uses a 12 gauge or a neurologist uses a Ferrari(read compensate for small schwanzstucker)definitely not ETTA. But why Etta James? and whats the Obama thing? Could she be the only African American in America not happy he is President? I don't get it.
Well my guess is Beyonce is hot, hotter than Etta ever was physically and she is pissey that she gets more attention and Etta isn't feeling the love. Also perhaps Etta wants people to check her out online and is using this for attention.
Well Etta we at HitPlay love you. We love the voice, the weight gain, the weight loss, the bad attitude: we love it all so when Elisa Girlando sings your tunes don't be copping BAD attitude with us because for hitplay we play em with LOVE.
PS. what do you think of the new photo??
Nice blog...!
The Dark Planet ©
thanks for the feedback you in the music bizz??
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